Finding Balance in a World of Chaos

Right now the world feels out of balance and chaotic. There is a question that I’ve heard my entire life. If you had all the time in the world, what would you do? It’s a simple question with a very ambiguous answer because there is no one right answer. It’s not like math where there is one question with one correct outcome, everyone is different ergo every answer will be different. So how do we combat these feelings and bring balance and harmony back into our lives? 

One word: Yoga 

Yoga is all about finding balance and harmony within yourself. It’s about creating this synchronicity between the body and mind. 

I know I know, you’re probably thinking well I don’t practice yoga…

I’m here to tell you, you DO practice yoga. If you breathe you do yoga. 

These days it might be difficult to get out of bed and start a day with no routine or structure. If that’s the case, start your day with a simple breath practice.  When you wake up before you get out of bed, place one hand over your heart and one hand on your low belly. Start to feel your breath. As you inhale, feel your hands expand like a balloon inflating and as you exhale feel your hands deflating. Close down your eyes and focus on the movement of your breath. If you feel your mind start to wander, come back to your breath. 

In yoga there is a pose called Garudasana (Eagle); it's a balance pose. It looks like beautiful chaos. If you have ever been in Garudasana you know how that pose feels in your body. It feels wonky and weird with your arms twisted upwards going one direction and your legs crossed over one another going the other direction. You think to yourself how the hell am I able to do this pose while balancing on one foot! 

In order to get into this pose you have to warm up the entire body. 

  • Centering the mind

  • Finding your foundation 

  • Strengthening the core

  • Open the hips 

  • Open the shoulders

  • Linking the breath with movement

It’s a lot to prep the body just to stand on one foot and twist your limbs like vines winding up and down a wall. 

This month is the Pink Moon, that just so happens to be in the constellation of Libra. Libra is the zodiac sign for sacral balance. Mystic Mamma writes in her newsletter, "During these times of uncertainty, we can find our way to our own inner balance by anchoring into our center, which links us to the primordial center of Creation, to the heart of the Earth...  It is through grounding into our very own earthly bodies, through bringing our Soul into alignment with our experience that we can feel our connection to our center at the heart of the Earth.”

By finding balance in our yoga practice we can find balance within ourselves. 

Link to Mystic Mamma:


The Art of Noticing