Hunter’s Moon

I was perusing Instagram when I stumbled upon this quote from an account I follow, called sistersvillage. The post just simply said:

You grow through what you go through.”

It hit me like a ton of bricks, I have felt lost this past few weeks, feeling down on myself. Not sure if this is the journey that I am meant to be on. 

When I saw that quote it spoke to my core. Like most of us in life, I have had to grow through some tough times and this is no exception. Teaching yoga is no exception, through the trials of teaching I have started to find my rhythm and flow. Overall, I think what this year has taught me is that despite everything that has happened I am still able to be present and continue to take baby steps in what I want my life to look like. 

In other news…. 

We have been blessed with two full moons this month! The first full moon is October 1,  the Hunters Moon. During this time of the month, we shed and illuminate this is a time of letting go of what is not needed. At the full moon we might feel a yang type of energy. Active, full of life, we might decide to practice an energetic form of yoga such as Hatha or Vinyasa. 

There is a constant growth and transformation within ourselves as well as our practice. Yoga lets us find the balance that we need in order to release what no longer serves us. 

For the Hunters Moon, I got clever and decided to create a practice around the asana Dhanurasana (Bow Pose).  This pose looks like an archer's bow, the torso and legs are the bow and the arms are the string. A heart opening backbend that will leave you feeling awake and energized.  Dhanurasana can be a challenging pose, it teaches you to find sthira and sukha, comfort and ease and the fearlessness and grace of the warrior within yourself.

During the fall season it is a time of change as we are shedding what we no longer need. Say to yourself, I am letting go of what no longer serves me. I am embracing the fruition of my ideas. Just like Dhanurasana, take on this full moon with the fearlessness and grace of a warrior.

May the light within you shine as bright as the full moon! 


Finding the Zen Moment


Surrender and Let Go