Surrender and Let Go

It’s officially Autumn!!!

My absolute favorite time of year. The time of year when the nights get longer, the temperature gets cooler and the leaves on the trees change to those brilliant reds, oranges, and yellows.  Autumn is a time to turn inwards to yourself and shed what no longer serves you while giving praise to the things that make you full and rich. 

We are entering into a time where the season is going dormant, we are halfway to the Winter Solstice. This is a time where nature is shedding what it no longer needs in order to be reborn in the Spring. 

This is a time to shed what no longer serves you, surrender to the changes that come with the season and give thanks to what the Universe has provided this year.  As we move into the colder months look inwards towards yourself. In yoga this can be done when you move into a forward fold or twist. Donna Farhi says it perfectly in her book Yoga Mind, Body and Spirit

“As we learn to surrender and release into that return, we can recuperate from the outward actions of our busy everyday lives, taking solace in self-reflection.”

Take the time to self reflect on what the Universe has provided this year, let go of what no longer serves you and give thanks to all that you have.  


Hunter’s Moon


Restore the Balance