Restore the Balance

You have everything you need

You have everything you need 

You have everything you need 

Say it again with me: You have everything you need.

Today the New Moon is in the sign Virgo. Chai Nichols says in her newsletter;

Virgo takes what’s in disarray and creates thoughtful rituals wherein balance can be restored....This sign teaches us that with the right tools, we can work towards a humble solution. Ready to sacrifice fame for the fortune of thoughtfully applied craft, Virgo offers the habits that foster healing.

In today’s world the natural balance is out of whack, we might feel out of balance internally too. 

We have so many things that push and pull us in different ways. It is amazing that we don’t physically look like Elastigirl from The Incredibles. We need to hone in what is of value to us and bring the balance back internally before trying to balance out the world. 

As you know the fires in Oregon are blazin’ and causing all sorts of panic. The air quality is out of this world horrendous, and people have been uprooted from their homes. It’s hard to be grounded and have a sense of balance when the world around you is falling apart.

So how can a person find stillness and balance when chaos is around them?Simple, come back to what’s important to us internally. Remembering that you have everything you already need.

In yoga, we practice to create an equilibrium between asanas and pranayama to restore and get that balance back. We look inwards to find stillness and ease with the breath. With asana, twisting wrings out the nitty gritty on the inside, forward folds create a sense of calm and cooling, backbends create inner heat and make us more alert, and finally balance poses top it off by realigning the left and right side of the brain. All of these elements that go into a practice help restore balance internally. 

By finding stillness, it helps us realize that we have everything that we already need internally. Find a quiet corner somewhere and tune into your breath. Feel your chest rise with the inhales and fall with the exhales. Do this 5x. If you feel your mind start to wonder, come back to the breath and remember you are just sitting and breathing.

When you take a walk, do you walk the same route? You know the one, it’s a route you know like the back of your hand.  When you walk this route you find comfort in knowing what is going to be around the corner.  What if next time, you walked the same route in reverse? Creating a new feeling of awareness in the body and you had to come back into the present. As you are walking, you start noticing new things along the route, creating this sense of anew and wonder.  

Same with yoga, if you do the same practice everyday it creates a deep ingrained routine which is wonderful because your body knows what to do. But what happens if you switch up the practice and put one or two different asanas in the mix? How would that look in the body? What awareness would you create in the mind?

The New Moon is all about new beginnings and offers us a chance to regain the balance that we have lost. Staying connected to what is truly important to us is crucial, let go of all the outer worldly things society says we need to have.  Come back to your true nature, and set small goals to achieve throughout the month. 

Remember, you have everything you already need. 


Surrender and Let Go


Presence, Joy, and Comfort