Having Humility

Humility, people often get this mixed up with Humiliated. These two words appear to look the same but have two completely different meanings. Humiliated means to embarrass or put down another person. Humility is a modest opinion of one's own importance, to be humble. 

Having humility is not a bad thing, in fact it is a quality of being humble.  The two words derived from the same root Humus, meaning grounded or from the earth.  The author C.S. Lewis quotes “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.” 

On the mat we are always trying to find a balance, strength and flexibility. It would make sense that a grounding sequence in yoga would cause a sense of humility. Grounding sequences usually incorporate rooting down, bringing attention to your feet and invite the aspects of the Muladhara Chakra. Baddha Virabhadrasana, the Humble Warrior, is an asana that invites an aspect of humility on the mat and teaches us about our own inner strength, and ability to surrender ourselves


Halloween at Hueco Tanks


Being Humbled